My Books Read 4+
Bryan Hall
مصمم لـ iPad
- د.إ. 2.99
لقطات الشاشة
With our app, you can easily keep track of all the books you've read. When adding a book, simply click the barcode button on the top right corner of the screen and scan the book's barcode to automatically fill in most of the fields, including the book cover.
Have you ever been asked for book recommendations? Our app makes it simple to find and share books with others. Just go to the book details and tap the share button to share with your friends or relatives via text, email, Facebook, Twitter, or any other app on your iPhone or iPad.
If you're interested in a book series but can't remember which ones you've read, our app can help. Just open the app and go to the menu option "Book List by Author/Genre," select the Author tab, scroll down to find your desired author, and tap to see a list of their books. You can quickly check if you've read a book in the series or not. You can also click on the series tab on the bottom and select the series from the list and see which books you have read.
As an avid reader who averages 50-60 books a year, it's hard to remember them all. That's where our app comes in handy for me!
The app allows you to sort your books by Book name, Author, Genre, Series, and Date read, as well as group books by Author or Genre, Year, Rating, and Series. You can also double-tap the book image or tap the zoom button to view the book cover in full-screen mode and enlarge or shrink the image using one or two fingers.
We've included a few screen shots of the Books Read iPhone and iPad App to give you an idea of what to expect.
Please don't hesitate to contact us via email if you have any comments, suggestions, bug reports, or requests for the app. We're always happy to hear from our users!
ما الجديد
الإصدار 1.76
Fixed the search bar when searching dates read.
خصوصية التطبيق
أوضح المطور Bryan Hall، أن ممارسات خصوصية التطبيق قد تتضمن معالجة البيانات على النحو الموضح أدناه. لمزيد من المعلومات، انظر %سياسة خصوصية المطور(ة) سياسة خصوصية المطور.
لا يتم جمع البيانات
لا يجمع المطور أي بيانات من هذا التطبيق.
قد تختلف ممارسات الخصوصية بناءً على الميزات التي تستخدمها أو حسب عمرك على سبيل المثال. معرفة المزيد
- الموفر
- Bryan Hall
- الحجم
- ٥٫٤ م.ب.
- الفئة
- نمط حياة
- التوافق
- iPhone
- يتطلب iOS 12.4 أو أحدث
- iPad
- يتطلب iPadOS 12.4 أو أحدث
- iPod touch
- يتطلب iOS 12.4 أو أحدث
- Mac
- يتطلب جهاز macOS 11.0 أو أحدث وجهاز Mac مع شريحة Apple M1 أو أحدث.
- Apple Vision
- يتطلب visionOS 1.0 أو أحدث
- اللغات
- التصنيف العمري
- 4+
- حقوق الطبع والنشر
- © Copyright 2019 Rushton International & Associates Inc.
- السعر
- د.إ. 2.99
المشاركة العائلية
يمكن لما يصل إلى ستة أفراد من العائلة استخدام هذا التطبيق عند تمكين "المشاركة العائلية".