Adorable action from TokoToko.

TokoToko - AR creative story

Play with augmented reality


Getting stuck in a creative rut isn’t much fun. But with your help – and a bit of artistic flair – the adorable animals of TokoToko will find their mojo again.

Grab some paper and something to draw with, and you’re ready to jump into this enchanting augmented reality (AR) adventure.

First, draw a picture of a door so your new pal Hako can escape the Creastuck, a dreary dimension that stifles the imagination. Once she pops out of the page through the magic of AR, it’s time to get this arty party started!

Happiness is watching Hako grab your hand-drawn ukulele and strum a tune.

Using your screen as a window into the world of the Tokotokos, your drawings will spring to life as paper cutouts. Drag them onto Hako, and she’ll delight at your doodles. Draw a ukulele, and she’ll strum a lively tune. Sketch a bunny, and she’ll be inspired to don a pair of long, fluffy ears.

Over the course of several episodes, you’ll help Hako reunite with her friends to mount an epic talent show. First to join the gang is Azuko, a haughty fellow who fancies himself the world’s greatest painter – until you go head-to-head in a contest to see who can draw the best portrait of Hako. Watching your feline pal proudly display your sketch on a giant easel is all kinds of warm, fuzzy fun.

Augmented reality games are fascinating by nature, but TokoToko has a creative spark that makes it something sweet and special. Kind of like Hako herself.