Make delightfully retro videos

Filmm brings a pro editing studio to your iPhone.

Filmm: One-Tap Video Editor

Filters, Effects, Music, Fonts


The same crafty, influencer-friendly developers behind A Beautiful Mess and A Color Story have teamed up with the YouTuber and author Zoe Elizabeth Sugg – better known as Zoella.

Their project, Filmm, is a video-editing and filtering app designed to captivate your social media followers and bring in heaps of likes.

Filmm comes with more than 100 filters and effects (membership to Filmm+ grants you even more) that allow you to adjust, crop and trim everything from a cute cat video to a next-level wedding proposal recorded from behind a bush.

Layer filters on your project and they’ll dynamically adapt to the light and other factors.

The custom filters transform standard handheld video into grainy VHS-quality home productions, mini romantic comedies, spooky 8mm indie documentaries and more. Each filter pack – such as Camcorder, Sunflare, Velvet and Dust – contains several layer options, allowing you to choose, for example, just how dusty you want your video to appear. Distortions and scratches or digital fingerprints add charm and intrigue to otherwise quotidian sunsets and slo-mo pool jumps.

Manually edit your video by adjusting curves and more. Try out speed controls for added effects.

And the filters are dynamic: they move and adjust as the video progresses, taking into account changes in light, shadow and colour, then shifting accordingly. The result will look like it could have been through a few rounds in a professional editing suite.

Speaking of, if you’re more of a hands-on video editor, you can skip filter packs in favour of a more technical approach. After cropping your film (the app includes social-media-friendly presets as well as a wide-frame option), tap Adjust to access standard settings like brightness, contrast and temperature.

Pro tip: freak out your friends by flipping the curve completely and turning your video into a negative reel.

More advanced editors can use the curves adjustment function to isolate colours, reducing or amplifying the amount of contrast in specific areas of the video.

When you’ve made your edits, tap the eyeball icon to view your creation without the distraction of the tools. Fine-tune by trimming your reel, customising a watermark, adding music or slowing down or speeding up the film. Next stop, Hollywood!