Diverse wallpapers, many options, always love and enjoy!
I have been using this app for about a year now, and I really do enjoy the variety of wallpapers that they offer. There’s a very diverse group of options and selections that are available for anyone. And typically if there’s a wallpaper that’s locked you can watch if you ask get some coins and get it. These wallpapers have really added some nice flavor and diversity to my options and I really appreciate having them because for some reason I just make my phone more aesthetically pleasing‘s and that overall increases my feelings with this app because it just has such a great variety of options in terms of wallpapers that I’ve never really disappointed with what I have! I do give this app a five out of five stars because I think that it has a lot to offer, sometimes it’s a challenge to get certain wallpapers and sometimes there’s so many that have the coins that you have to watch a lot of ads if you wanna get those, but nevertheless there’s always options available and that’s what I really love about this app!