keleya: Pregnancy App & Yoga

Fitness, Baby + Tracker


There’s no such thing as a typical pregnancy experience, but Keleya – Pregnancy App helps you to make sense of your own journey. It’s a slick platform packed with content for expecting mothers, updated daily and tailored to your pregnancy.

Help Keleya get to know you by sharing your due date, activity levels, diet and mood. The app will then make you a bespoke plan, including workouts and recipes.

The nerve centre of the app is a daily newsfeed, which is packed with regularly updated content that demystifies pregnancy.

There’s an infographic comparing your developing baby to the size of a fruit or vegetable (hello, little melon!) and a counter, tracking how many days to go.

Keleya offers articles and advice based on where you are in your pregnancy.

Snippets of sound advice from midwives and other healthcare professionals are presented in daily thought bubbles. There are bite-sized video bulletins and podcasts on everything from your birth plan to how to deal with prenatal insomnia. 

Destress with guided meditations and earn rewards and unlock new content by completing your target number of workouts a week. 

Each workout is explained in a short video, and all regimes are tailored to you: suitable for your fitness levels and the stage you’ve reached in your pregnancy. 

Your personalised nutrition plan outlines the vitamins you should focus on, and provides an e-cookbook of nourishing recipes. Lastly, monitor symptoms in your insights tab, where you can track your mood, nutrition and digestion. It’ll be your due date before you know it.