Bring photos to life with animated effects

Motionleap turns photos into moving works of art.

Motionleap by Lightricks

Photo Editing/Animation/AI Art


We are all photographers. Thanks to the camera in our iPhone, it’s never been easier to capture a moment in time.

But no matter how well we compose our shots, sometimes a picture just can‘t convey the true scale or intensity of the scene. A majestic waterfall, the flame from a birthday candle, bubbles in a glass of champagne. A video might be too much, but a still image lacks some of the magic. Motionleap fills the gap between the two.

With Motionleap you can bring selected parts of any picture to life. Import one, and place arrows on the screen to define motion. Add anchor points to control the speed.

Use Motionleap’s tools to bring your static images to life.

Then, with your finger, paint areas to “freeze” them, which protects them from the transformations. You’d draw up and down marks on a flag, for instance, then block out all the surrounding skyline.

Hit play, and Motionleap moves the annotated zones of the image along the lines you’ve drawn. You can experiment with the frame-rate and looping. An undo button rolls things back if you’re not happy with your tweaks.

There are presets for replacing the sky with dramatic sunsets, or slamming the whole frame with a cinematic zoom. Happy? Export your creation in a range of formats.

You’ll need the right shot to get the best output (the app’s less useful on static pictures of people) but with a little practice this is a quick way to stand out on social media.