Yeah Bunny 2 gives ‘twitch gameplay’ a whole new meaning.

Yeah Bunny 2

Cute retro platformer is back!


Tap to hop: it’s as simple as that. There’s not much more Yeah Bunny 2 has to teach you. This is a classic platformer that total novices can play, while being tough enough to satisfy veterans.

As the titular rabbit skips along automatically, you’ll find your natural instincts serve you well. See an enemy and you’ll tap to leap and bounce on its head without thinking (unless it’s spiky, of course – those guys are best avoided).

And when a tasty carrot or coin is floating above you? Just hop to it! If you miss something important, don’t worry. Simply wait until Yeah Bunny hits a vertical surface, whether it’s a wall or a ledge, and they’ll turn back.

On your travels you’ll need to free caged chicks, collect each level’s trio of available stars and pick up as many coins and carrots as you can. And because you’re a bunny it’s those tasty orange vegetables that are most important.

Collect the carrots and avoid the animals, Yeah Bunny 2 is that simple.

You’ll need as many carrots as you can get because they’re your price for continuing after you land on a spike, fall into water, or blunder into an enemy. The first won’t cost you too much, but die again and the fee shoots up. It’s a great way to add stakes to the platforming. You could start again, sure. But when you’re near the end of the later levels, you might not want to go all the way back.

Carrying on from the most recent checkpoint is awfully tempting after you’ve run a gauntlet of moving spikes and cannons. At times, it’ll come close to making you hopping mad. But with a theme song that will burrow its way into your brain and exciting escapes from a pig the size of a house, Yeah Bunny 2 is much more likely to have you jumping for joy.