And you’ll guide them to the Space Age in this amazing game.

Dinosaurs Are People Too

Clicker adventure game


Tap. Tap tap. Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap!

That’s the sound you’ll make playing Dinosaurs Are People Too. This (thankfully) historically inaccurate idle clicker imagines an alternate timeline in which dinosaurs not only ruled Earth but formed their very own civilization. Your goal: to build that society from the ground up.

Unlocking the carrot farm is a great way to get your new dino society started.

Dinosaurs begins with an undeveloped 3D planet. A few taps on the rotatable sphere generates resources. Build a carrot farm to unlock new dinos and mining endeavors so you can earn ore, cookies (which our reptilian ancestors love, apparently), and other materials. Use those to build helpful structures like a Bolt Factory and, naturally, an IT Office.

Behold: the towering offices of a booming global economy.

Tap some more and you’ll eventually open up new eras, from the gritty terrain of the primitive Ancient Age to the star-filled skies of the futuristic Space Age. Each era offers new skills, such as bartering, which lets you easily move your resources around the map. There’s always more to discover.

Help your dinos evolve into the Space Age so they can escape to the stars.

And with expansion comes loads of new dinos, including a giraffe-necked diplodocus and a roaring T. rex. They’re not just prehistoric eye candy; they also increase the speed of your resource production. To further quicken your civilization’s growth, try tapping with multiple fingers. And watch for the flying saucers that occasionally zoom across the map – catching one will net you a huge bonus.

Of course, questions remain. How did the oversized lizards snag our coveted place in the historical record? Why do they need an IT Office? And how in the world did they build it without opposable thumbs? Keep tapping and you just might find out.