ZRX: Zombies Run + Marvel Move

If you ever needed some motivation to keep running, you’ll find no better one than the threat of being eaten alive by zombies.

Okay fine, zombies are not real. But Zombies, Run! might just convince you otherwise. While on your run, you’ll be able to hear the snarling of the undead right behind you, almost smell their rotten flesh. Heart racing, you pick up your pace, pump your arms harder, and gradually hear their groaning fade away. Phew, you’re safe at last and you’ve clocked another 5km run, which went down a lot easier than expected.

If you haven’t already figured it out, this fitness app lets you play a zombie apocalypse survivor who has thankfully found some other living, breathing humans to band with. But as every survivor would know, you’re going to need supplies to stay alive. This is where the run comes in.

As Runner 5, you’re going to have to leave the safety of your base camp Abel Township and head out into the zombie-infested wilderness to pick up supplies. But don’t worry, you won’t be completely on your own out there. There will be someone guiding you through your headphones as you go on your run, start your missions and move through the episodes and seasons that the app has to offer. You are in control of your pace and running distance, stopping when you’ve had enough, and picking up where you left off on your next run.

If you’re up to the challenge, do yourself a favour and activate zombie chases. When there’s a horde nearby, you’ll be warned by your friendly neighbourhood operator to pick up the pace. Outrun them or risk dropping precious supplies that you’ll need to upgrade your base.

With Zombies, Run!, running keeps you alive in more than one way. And you’ll find it much easier to head out on your next run because you’ll want to know how this story ends.