Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes

Team Building & Strategy RPG


Somewhere on Tatooine, a fight is raging. Finn, Leia, Darth Nihilus, K-2SO and a Jawa are facing Ahsoka Tano, an Ewok and three B2 Super Battle Droids. Iconic figures from across the galaxy are squaring off in a fanfic fantasy and you’re being called on to help.

Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes is for those of us who’ve stood in our living rooms, swinging a poster tube around while making Lightsaber™ noises. With more than 120 characters to collect – each with upgradable skills and gear – the turn-based battles will let you live out your Star Wars dreams.

Leia, Luke, Han Solo – all the classic characters are here, as well as the folks from the prequels and most recent films.

Sure, your clan might start off like a ragtag bunch of misfits – an Ewok Scout here, a nameless Jedi Consular there – but you’ll soon be mixing it with the big boys as the likes of Chewie and Luke join your gang.

You’ll need to pair your excitement with strategy though, working to always improve your warriors, debating who to use, and making tide-turning decisions mid-battle (like who to attack and with what ability).

Brawls are quick and full of fun animations, but if you want to earn XP the lazy way, try autoplaying fights at 4x speed or spending in-game currency to simulate them. The upgrades will quickly flow.

The more you play, the more famous faces you'll be able to put on your team.

If you’re new to the game, don’t worry: you’ll quickly unlock loads to do, including light side and dark side battles, PvP tournaments, random events and eventually ship-on-ship battles.

As you progress, Territory Battles take things to the next level, letting you draw on the powers of all your characters in epic battles. Working with guildmates, you’ll conquer a map piece by piece, waging special combat missions and capturing key landmarks like the Ion Cannon on Hoth.

With so many engaging game modes, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes feels as big as the Death Star – only a lot more friendly.