Remente is here to manage your time.

Remente: Self Care & Wellbeing

Goal Setting, Control & Growth


We all have something about our existence we’d like to improve. Sometimes you just need a little encouragement and planning. Remente to the rescue: it’s a life balance app that helps you use your time well, based on psychological principles.

Recording how you feel in different areas of your life is the first part of the experience. This Journal area tracks your mood, establishing weekly patterns and working out where to focus.

With the Day Plan, you can select things you want to achieve – which might be as straightforward as reading a new book this week – and break them into milestones.

Remente recommends reading and courses around the areas you want to focus on.

Remente makes reading recommendations based on the development focus you’ve chosen. The Courses section boasts 15 categories. They range from communication and better sleep to business leadership skills.

In each group, there are programs organised into steps (perhaps an essay to check out, or a practical goal to add to your Day Plan, or a video). In a section called Boosts you’ll find articles on diet, goal setting, brain structure and more.

A premium account enables you to plan upcoming days in more detail and gain more insights. It also offers access to the web version of the app, the ability to export data, and more.

There are over 80 courses and 150 exercises, many with video instruction. Their inspiration and advice will launch you into making positive changes today.