Starting a new fitness routine or updating your current one can be fun. Especially when you have expert help on hand – or, more specifically, on your wrist. Habitify, Strava and BetterSleep all sync with Apple Watch to help keep you motivated and maximise your workouts. Here’s how to make the most of them.

Set goals
Kick-start your fitness routine with Habitify, an app that helps you to form, track and be reminded of habits you want to make stick.
Open Habitify on an iPhone that’s paired with Apple Watch and tap the + icon to create a new habit. Type in a task – “go for a run” or “go to the gym”, for example – choose how often you’d like to complete it and when you’d like to receive a reminder. The app will then notify you on your Apple Watch when it’s time to get going.

Work out
Ready to start exercising? Warm up and complete your session with Strava. The fitness-tracking app monitors your activities and records data on your performance.
Go running, for example, and you’ll be able to keep tabs on your distance, speed and more along the way. To track your progress on Apple Watch, open Strava and select a category, such as “outdoor running”, and it will start measuring automatically. Knowing these stats will help you monitor your progress and maintain your motivation.

Wind down
It’s important to get plenty of rest after exercising. Relaxing your body and mind post-workout will help you recover, sleep well and feel re-energised for your next session.
BetterSleep is packed with soothing sounds and meditations that are perfect to put on when you’re stretching or getting into bed. Open the app and tap the Sounds tab to select your preferred sounds – choose from Ocean, Rain, Orchestral and many more. Together they’ll form your Current Mix, which you can control using your Apple Watch. Cooling down never felt so convenient.