Score! Match - PvP Football

Live multiplayer football game


In the soccer game Score! Match, it really feels like you’re the playmaker, in the purest sense.

Each two minute game is a flurry of quick decisions and careful swipes to craft the perfect pass, header or shot. Every time the ball comes to your player, you get a few seconds to look up and draw where you want him to pass or shoot.

Judge your swipes just right, and it’s really satisfying to pull off a defence-splitting through ball or laser-guided long ball out wide. String a load of passes together and you’re in on goal, a final precise stroke of your finger separating you from glory. No pressure.

Rush it at any point and it’s easy to overcook a pass, underplay a header or scuff a shot; if you do, it’s your opponent’s turn to craft an attempt on goal. In Score! Match, remember, you’re playing online against real players.

It’s not easy. We found that in early games a couple of mislaid passes would spell almost certain defeat. But that means winning in Score! Match – especially after a tense penalty shootout – is all the more satisfying.

The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, the questionable haircuts – it’s all here in Score! Match.