MinimaList - To do list & Task

To do list, Reminder & Notes


The to-do list is symbolic. Scratching out a task on a piece of paper always feels momentous, no matter how small the exercise.

MinimaList is designed for those who appreciate the symbolism of paper but need the no-nonsense efficiency of working from their iPhone. It’s a digital to-do list that’s low in bells and whistles but which gets the job done.

Pull down to add a task, tap it out, and then swipe right when you’re ready to mark it as done. The text will appear with a strikethrough effect, so you still get that psychological boost of knowing you’ve achieved something. You can also swipe left to delete the task permanently.

MinimaList’s Focus mode helps you prioritise your thoughts for a set period.

You can prioritise tasks and work through them in order, and if you need help concentrating, Focus mode starts a timer (with or without sound effects) to help you enjoy a period of productivity. You can even add a widget to your Today View so that you can access your list in a couple of taps.

Some to-do list apps are so noisy and distracting that by the time you get down to the task at hand, you need a time out. MinimaList doesn’t overcomplicate. It liberates you to get your tasks done. Tick.