Snarky 7 minute workouts


Hey, you. You, there. Get up out of that chair. Put the cookies down, pick the dumbbells up, it’s time to get into a shape that’s not pear.

CARROT Fit isn’t your typical exercise app. It’s meaner. Instead of calmly coaxing you into hitting a new personal best, it’s more likely to mock you for not trying hard enough, or belittle your best efforts. But that’s a good thing. Honest.

CARROT Fit motivates you with a glance at your no-exercise future.

Based on the now popular 7-minute workout format, CARROT, the human-hating artificial intelligence at the heart of this fitness app, will tease you into pushing yourself. She won’t hold your hand or offer words of encouragement as you struggle through 30 seconds of 12 exercises with 10 seconds‘ rest in between, but her barbed comments have a purpose.

No matter how much physical (or emotional) pain you’re in, how much your lungs and legs are burning, CARROT Fit keeps you smiling thanks to its witty labels and descriptions for exercises.

Watching the rotund human animation sweat and huff as it shows you how to do Can’t Get Ups (crunches) doesn’t get old.

Extreme Lying Down, now that‘s our sort of exercise.

If doing a set of Mouse Attacks (chair steps) or Tasteful Modelling (sideways planks) doesn’t raise a smile, being asked to do Territory Markers (squats) certainly will. An Apple Watch extension lets you add real-time heart rate data into the mix. And don’t you dare think about quitting. You’ll be mocked. Mercilessly.

It’s all good natured, of course, but when CARROT gives you stick, you listen. She’s not that friend you can rely on to tell you that you look good no matter what. She’s the friend you’re not sure is actually your friend. The one who would sooner say you look like a sack of potato peelings than pay you a compliment. And we all need one of those friends – they make us put the effort in.