Strava helps you track activity and map routes.

Strava: Run, Bike, Hike

Track & share with friends


This handy app tracks pretty much all your physical activities: runs, hikes, yoga sessions, bike rides, weight training, climbing and more. But what makes Strava shine is everyone you can break a sweat with.

Each day, you’ll find members of Strava’s huge community sharing stats in the app, and if you love a bit of healthy competition, you can find it here.

Strava is well known for firing up the competitive spirit among users in each of its sports disciplines. King or Queen of the Mountain badges are awarded to the fastest competitor on particular segments (a road, trail, hill, stretch of water and so on) around the world.

Finished an epic ride? Post a photo to commemorate the achievement.

Join others across all sports in monthly challenges to see how your current fitness level stacks up, or find out where you rank on Strava’s leaderboards for popular running trails or biking paths. The app is also great for discovering new trails.

Subscribers to a Summit membership get access to customisable training plans, along with deeper, post workout analyses. Another great perk: the Beacon feature, which lets you share your location in real time with your designated safety contacts.