Start moving and have fun

Whatever your level, hit your fitness goals with these apps.

Exercise can be tough, sure, but it should never be boring. Keep your workouts fresh, interesting and useful with these handy fitness companions.

Get out and get active

Ah, the great outdoors. Whether you’re running, cycling or strapping on those rollerblades that have sat in the cupboard for years, does your latest exercise session really count unless you’ve tracked your effort and shared it with friends?

Workout at home

Think exercising without ever leaving the house sounds like a breeze? Well, think again. The workouts within these calorie-burning, muscle-building, body-toning offerings will push you to your limits.

Enjoy your daily walk

You don’t need to run to improve your health. What’s the rush? A nice, brisk walk can do you all sorts of good. And these apps will ensure you do more than stroll around your block having a nosey in the neighbours’ gardens.

Get fit quick

Upping your fitness levels doesn’t need to dominate your life. Trade in evenings pumping weights or lengthy runs for these high-intensity workouts and you’ll start to feel the burn – and the benefits – within a matter of minutes.