Hit your health goals

Who doesn’t aim for a preferable state of wellbeing? Perhaps you have a secret conviction to achieve a handstand before you’re 50. Maybe you proclaim daily that you must get to bed earlier, yet you so far have lacked the tools to do it. Well, choose your goal. This list of apps will help you reach it.

Boost your fitness

Let’s start moving and lift that heart rate. These apps will put you on a pathway to fitness, with at-home workouts that suit your ability level and increase in difficulty as you become fitter.

Hit your PBs

Into biking, hiking or walking? These apps are set up to track your rides, runs and beyond, whether you love heading out cross-country or prefer a virtual, indoor trail. You can keep log of your performance on each session and aim to beat your own times (and those of others) as you improve.

Understand your body

Whatever stage of life you’re at, knowing your own body is an important factor in your wellbeing. From making sense of symptoms to tracking your cycle, it’s all addressed across these apps.

Build strength and flexibility

So it is that handstand you’re aiming for! If not, maybe it’s the front splits or deadlifting twice your bodyweight. Even if your goals are far less lofty, these apps will help you build that muscle and mobility.

Take care of your mind

It’s hard to focus on other aspects of wellness, before we address our mental wellbeing. Invest in a stable and happy mind with these meditation, mindfulness and journaling apps.

Crush bad habits

Do you have a particular habit in your sights that you wish to rid? Those who would like to take a first step towards a healthier lifestyle will benefit from these apps.

Focus on good food

Want to go plant-based or reduce your meat intake? Want to monitor your sugar consumption? These apps have all the easy, quick and delicious recipe ideas and meal plans to make it easy.

Track your eating habits

Those who want to go a step further, logging meals or tracking calories and macros for weight management, will find these tools very useful.