Scriptable can get your iOS device to do anything you need.


Automation using JavaScript


Scriptable is an automation app that allows you to write short programs (also known as scripts) so your iPhone or iPad can perform almost any task you might imagine – from emailing all meeting attendees to checking the current pollen count with a single command.

It should be said that this isn’t an app for everybody, and some technical know-how is required. If you have basic experience writing JavaScript, however, Scriptable is incredibly useful (and fun!).

Scriptable’s sample scripts are a great place to get started.

Let’s say you’re out with a friend before their birthday and have plans to sing and pop some bubbly at midnight. You could download a separate countdown app, or you could write the simple script yourself.

While the concept of automation isn’t new, what sets Scriptable apart is that it integrates the scripts with native iOS APIs like Files, Mail, Safari, Photos, Calendar and more. Best of all, you can use Scriptable with Siri Shortcuts and trigger your countdown script with a custom voice phrase without having to open the app.

Some JavaScript knowledge will help you make the most of Scriptable.

In fact, Scriptable works a bit like Siri Shortcuts, helping you unlock additional functionality of your device. But if you can’t find what you’re looking for in the Shortcuts app, Scriptable provides you nearly endless possibilities.

If you don’t know JavaScript, there are forums online with scripts you can copy to your iOS devices. The app itself also has several example scripts, including that countdown-to-midnight script, one that delivers comics in Siri and one that tells you if Slack is down.