
The deeper you dig, the more you discover.


Dig! Fight! Explore! Build!


What lies beneath the surface? In Terraria, plenty! This quirky action-adventure first made its mark in 2011 and hasn’t stopped wowing players with its customisable world.

A sword made of fire? Beeswax armour? A custom-built pool hidden in your diamond-walled home base? If you can rustle up the materials, you can build it. Here are three reasons we keep digging this sandbox masterpiece.

Terraria’s super-detailed world rivals any RPG around.

It’s loaded with treasure

Terraria isn’t just deep – it’s one of the deepest mobile games ever. There’s a seemingly bottomless well of materials to uncover, from precious metals and priceless gems to plant seeds and rare ores. You can enjoy countless hours just running your pickax through the dirt.

It’s constantly growing

Already sprawling at its inception, the game has only expanded over the years. Terraria now includes thousands of items to craft and foes to battle. You also have the ability to carry hundreds of objects. Can you really have too much gold, fishing gear or dynamite?

Don’t like to journey alone? Never fear! Along with a revamped interface and larger worlds, Terraria has added multiplayer, letting you and seven friends link up online.

Beware tough bosses like the Golem. This isn’t even its final form!

It’s filled with challenges

There’s more to Terraria than the crafting table. Play long enough and you’ll face screen-filling bosses, like the Brain of Cthulhu or the Wall of Flesh that lives in the Underworld. So strap on your toughest gear, build strong defences and get ready for a rumble!