Groove along to ELOH’s relaxing puzzle rhythms.


Let the rhythm fill your soul


There are few better feelings than solving a puzzle on your first try. The genius of ELOH, however, is that getting it wrong can be every bit as satisfying as getting it right.

That’s because each level doubles as an eccentric musical instrument. Your job is to guide tiny orbs of sound to circular goals, redirecting them with the help of square statues that look like tribal masks and sound like xylophones.

Move the stone heads so that little red ball gets to the exit. Simple, right?

Some statues will change the colour of the balls, so when you’ve got two different exits, you’ll need to position them carefully. Triangular blocks can be rotated to let the sound pass through or deflect it elsewhere, while sliding stones that move between two fixed points may need to be stopped in their tracks.

Then there are walls that the orbs will only pass through if they’re the same colour, otherwise giving them a graceful swerve.

You can play ELOH as if lining up a snooker shot, working out the angles before tapping the speaker to set things in motion. But with no pressure, you’re free to experiment – and you’ll often create an infectious beat with the statues in the ‘wrong’ positions.

Get it right, and a pedestal rises up with the corrugated scrape of a güiro, inviting you to move onto the next stage. Yet you’ll probably want to stay awhile, just so you can nod and tap your feet along with the delightful rhythms you’ve created.