Max Calculator benchpress etc 4+

Kazumasa Shimomura

Conçu pour iPhone

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There was not likely !
The maximum weight calculation app!

When the current to enter the elevation possible weight and the number of times , possible weight on the 1 Kaikyo will come out on the basis of the calculation formula .
By pressing the save button , it is possible to save the record and the date in the app , you can see their own growth .

That hard to use and function are too many in the conventional app I were many ,
Due to the development stop to the minimum necessary function , we were able to to that simple and easy to use .

[ Main function ]
・ Elevation possible maximum weight calculation
・Calendar function
・Graph function


Version 2.0

You can calculate maximum weight for Squat, Deadlift.
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Confidentialité de l’app

Le développeur Kazumasa Shimomura n’a fourni aucune information à Apple concernant ses pratiques en matière de confidentialité et de traitement des données. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la politique de confidentialité du développeur.

Aucune information fournie

Le développeur devra fournir des informations quant à la confidentialité des données au moment de soumettre la prochaine mise à jour de son app.

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