Pyto IDE ALA L +4

Develobile S.p.A.

Desenvolvido para iPad

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Pyto is an IDE for iPhone and iPad with a Python 3.10 Interpreter and all of the standard libraries plus more than 100 third party packages, as well as a C & C++ compiler and bitcode interpreter. Includes a terminal with standard UNIX commands, a code editor with code completion, support for Shortcuts, Picture in Picture, a graphical interface builder and a debugger.

* Full version exclusive third party modules *

- Cython, cryptography, typed_ast, cv2, _cffi_backend, kiwisolver, matplotlib, numpy, pandas, lxml, Bio, sklearn, skimage, scipy, erfa, pywt, nacl, bcrypt, statsmodels, zmq, regex, gensim, astropy, emd, wasm3, yaml

* Built-in UNIX commands *

- alias, awk, cat, chflags, chmod, cksum, clang, compress, cp, curl, date, diff, dig, du, egrep, env, fgrep, find, grep, gunzip, gzip, head, host, ifconfig, link, lli, llvm-link, ln, ls, md5, mkdir, mv, nc, nslookup, open, openurl, pbcopy, pbpaste, ping, printenv, pwd, readlink, rlogin, rm, rmdir, say, scp, sed, sftp, sort, ssh, ssh-keygen, stat, sum, tail, tar, tee, telnet, touch, tr, unalias, uname, uncompress, uniq, unlink, uptime, wc, whoami, whois, wol

Take advantage system features with the following modules:

- pyto_ui - Build an user interface
- widgets - Home Screen Widgets
- file_system - iOS file system
- notifications - Schedule notifications
- remote_notifications - Receive remote notifications
- background - Run code in background
- pasteboard - Clipboard access
- userkeys - Save values on disk
- sound - Play sounds
- music - Access the Apple Music library
- photos - Accessing photos and the camera
- location - Access user's location
- motion - Motion sensors
- multipeer - Peer to peer wireless connection
- apps - Open third party apps
- xcallback - Interact with other apps
- sf_symbols - A list of SF Symbols names
- watch - Complications and static user interfaces for the Apple Watch


Versão 19.0.1

- Fixed template project with UI

Avaliações e opiniões

3,6 de 5
42 avaliações

42 avaliações

Rodolfo PoA ,

Crash Crash Crash

How come a dev app crashes all the time? It’s a nice little app, but it really lacks some basics like Python3IDE has. First, even with that annoying ad wall everytime you run your code, it doesn’t crash. Second, it’s got some basic useful shortcuts like () or # or indentation and even arrows to navigate inside your code instead of fighting your way through the touchscreen. I like it when it works and it’s been really helpful form my learning, but if it’s gonna crash every 2-3 runs then it’s gonna be unusable.

LucasPytonista ,

Crash and Crash.

every time I try to change the color of the theme it crashes and doesn't open anymore, I have to uninstall and install it again, even though I paid for the full version, this still happens.

Edu Apolinario ,

I want to cancel my trial now!

How do I cancel the trial????

Compras dentro do app

3-day Trial
3-day Trial
Try the app during 3 days
R$ 0,00
Lite Version
Lite Version
Unlock Pyto without its 3rd party libraries
R$ 29,90
Full Version
Full Version
Unlock Pyto with all its 3rd party libraries
R$ 59,90

Privacidade do app

Develobile S.p.A., responsável pelo desenvolvimento do app, indicou que as práticas de privacidade do app podem incluir o gerenciamento de dados conforme descrito abaixo. Para mais informações, consulte sua política de privacidade.

Dados não coletados

Os desenvolvedores não coletam nenhum dado deste app.

As práticas de privacidade podem variar, por exemplo, com base nos recursos que você usa ou na sua idade. Saiba mais

Compatível com

  • Compartilhamento familiar

    Algumas compras dentro do app, incluindo assinaturas, podem ser compartilhadas com seu grupo familiar quando o Compartilhamento familiar está ativado.

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