Burrito Bison: Launcha Libre


Masked luchador Burrito Bison wants to cook up dinner. But when rampaging gummy bears smash up his local supermarket, he and his buddies Pineapple Spank and El Pollo take to the streets to squish as many as they can.

Playing Burrito Bison: Launcha Libre is simple. Pull back on the elastic launcher, release, and fling yourself as far as possible, ricocheting off villains as you go.

You'll need luck, but also a sense of timing. Tap the screen to slam downwards, crushing candy criminals and bouncing upwards again with extra force. Miss, and you'll hit the pavement, which drains you of, um, bouncability. It recharges, but the round ends if you're left spent in the gutter.

Just tap the screen to slam downwards.

Pounding hostiles into mush earns you coins, which you spend on power-ups. Piñatas dispense useful cards too. Regular visits to the store enable you to upgrade Bison and his pals.

The boosts benefit you immediately: with upgraded elastic, slippery lotion or maybe chillis to pep you up, you can boing further through the confectionery-filled town. With every attempt, you're just a little more powerful – you'll dash a few metres further, encountering ever more tricks and treats.

This second sequel to 2012's Burrito Bison is silly, repetitive fun – and that's the point. It's absurdly moreish: Launcha Libre is the Mexican wrestlers versus pick ‘n’ mix street bouncing game you never thought you needed.