Can you master a new language?

Duolingo - Languages & More

Learn Spanish, French, German


Have you set yourself a challenge to learn a new language or do you want to brush up on long-lost fluency? Duolingo will get you there with fun games to keep you on your learning track.

Select your language

Choose from a wide range of languages – real and fictional!

Duolingo has everything from Spanish and Arabic to Navajo and Welsh – and even Klingon and High Valyrian, if you’re so inclined. You can follow more than one course at a time and switch between them whenever you like, meaning you’ll soon be on your way to becoming a multilinguist.

Set your level

Are you brand new to a language or do you have some vocab locked in already? If you’re not a beginner, let the app know what stage you’re at by taking a five-minute test to assess your level and jump ahead on the course. You will progress through Units covering different subject matter as you go.

Play the games

To keep things fun, matching games form part of every course.

Your basic lesson track will cover matching games, translation, listening and speaking exercises. Give the app access to your device’s mic and it will listen to and correct your pronunciation. Each lesson you complete will gain you XP (experience points) and you will get a percentage score. You can also take part in listening and reading exercises in the Duolingo Stories and Audio Lessons areas.

Stay on track

Set yourself streak challenges (such as practising for 10 days in a row) and get notifications to remind you to check in. Take mastery quizzes to test your knowledge and gain hearts as you go. See your progress on a chart to stay motivated and join monthly challenges with the app’s community.

Reap the rewards

Earn badges, bonuses and other prizes as you learn.

As you learn, you’ll earn badges for hitting milestones and gather gems as you train. Use your hard-earned gems to upgrade your avatar with outfits or to take on extra challenges, such as answering questions against the clock. You can also acquire bonuses, such as free days of the app’s premium package or holidays from training without losing your streak.