Playground AR: Physics Sandbox

A revolutionary sandbox game


Just. One. More. Block! In a bid to align that final piece, you tap your finger a little too hesitantly on the top of your tower. It’s the tallest one you (or any of your friends) have ever built. But while it’s magnificent, it’s not stable. You hold your breath.

Uh-oh! Everything tumbles down. As you look away from your screen, much to your relief, your floor isn’t a disaster zone. How could it have felt so real?

Well, that’s thanks to the immersive world of Playground AR: Physics Sandbox.

In this vivid augmented reality (AR) experience, you have endless toys, blocks, and objects to push your imagination and creativity to extraordinary heights.

Join two square blocks and add wheels to either side. Now you have a minimalistic car racing around your room. Up the ante with ramps and bridges, help your car gain momentum, and see it flip through the air. Not adventurous enough? Try pinning a couple of balloons to your car and watch as it soars upwards into the sky.

And if classic toys are more your thing, try out the app’s remote-controlled ones; the retro-style cars are pure fun to play around with. The controls are simple: back and forth, left and right. You can also take part in races with up to four of your friends. And if you want to add a dash of drama to it all, bring in a police patrol car. Your mission now? Don’t let them catch you!

Toys in augmented reality (AR) are mega fun. So let your inner child have a blast!