The Mother of All Social Networks

Peanut founder Michelle Kennedy is bringing moms together.

Peanut App: Find Mom Friends

Pregnancy Motherhood Menopause


Peanut is not just a network for moms. It’s a community of women who happen to be moms—a place of truth, authenticity, and humour. Of the many resources available to parents, Peanut emerges as a platform for like-minded women to meet and share interests beyond their children. Because the hardest job in the world doesn’t have to be the loneliest.

Here, app founder and CEO Michelle Kennedy discusses finding Peanut's voice and why moms need to stop beating themselves up.

Motherhood can be a messy job, so it's a relief that the app is so clean.

Where did the need for Peanut come from?
No one prepares you for the sort of social shock to the system that comes with motherhood. One minute you’re surrounded by people all the time, and the next, you’re not.

How did you find your voice for Peanut?
We had to be really bold. Everyone wants you to play it safe when dealing with motherhood. There wasn’t anyone out there being cheeky, taking risks, acknowledging the good and the bad.

Moms can use the app as a sounding board and virtual support group.

Would your life have been different had something like Peanut existed when you had your son?
After he was born, my girlfriends would be out, and I remember thinking, “What happened to my life?” To have had just one other woman say, “Hi! I’m also awake for a 2 a.m. feeding” would've made the feeling of “I must be the loneliest girl in the world” just disappear.

What’s new for moms on Peanut and why should they be excited?
We've just launched Peanut Groups, a way for women to connect across the community on topics that matter to them, where they can ask and answer questions, share experiences, and converse. It has never been more important for women to feel that they have a platform for their voice to be heard. I think every mama deserves that.