This Puzzler Has a Hidden Secret

There's a fun new way to play with Blek – here's how.


A Minimalist Masterpiece


Theres a musical plaything in Blek that not many people know about.

This wonderful puzzle game was released back in 2013, and quickly gathered critical acclaim and a multitude of awards. It’s about drawing lines on the screen to hit colourful targets, like a freeform jazz version of Snake.

Just for fun, creator Kunabi Brother added a musical twist to the game during the development of the studio’s second game, FROST.

If you’re one of the millions that’ve downloaded Blek already, you can find it by firing up the game and tapping on the menu button (the two circles at the bottom of the screen).

Next, hit the the icon with the wavy coloured lines. Play around with it a little and you can see how drawing different lines has varying effects on the same basic track—a neat little bonus in an already brilliant little puzzle game.

And if you haven’t played Blek before, it remains among the most intuitive and satisfying puzzle games on the App Store. And now it doubles up as a quirky musical plaything, too. Fill your boots.