Intervals Pro: HIIT Timer

Running & Tabata Workouts


Workout fanatics don’t leave anything to chance. Building strength requires a solid routine, which in turn requires keen attention to detail: schedules, reps, and training intervals versus recovery time.

Outsource your brain to Intervals Pro and you’ll free your body to do the hard work.

The app is a timer, planner, and workout diary rolled into one. Use it to create your own interval workout, setting the total duration of your session and, within that, the amount of reps, cycles, and recovery time you need.

Tap go and the app will count you in and let you know when it’s time to rest. You can also set optional warm-up and cool-down segments.


Save different workouts by name, and sync the app with your Apple Health data, so that all of your workouts are fed into your personalized dashboard. Every time you complete a workout, the app will save it to a calendar, so you can see at a glance how your training is progressing.

Use the app on your Apple Watch so you can hit the road hands-free and get your Watch to count you down, then transmit heart-rate data, calories, distance, and pace to your Health dashboard.

The beauty is in the simplicity: The interface is straightforward, intuitive, and versatile, and you can use it whether you’re a runner, yogi, or you’re practising circuit training in your backyard. Ready, set, go!