Make Fitness Fun

Gamify your exercise and work out with a smile.

When you’re grinding out that final rep, remaining mile, or last interval on your training plan, it’s easy to start questioning why you’re working out in the first place. Mix up your exercise regimen, however, and you can push towards your goals with a smile on your face.

Anyone who says fitness isn’t fun clearly never worked out with these apps.

Challenge the Undead to a Race

With Zombies, Run! cardio takes a back seat to survival.

In every zombie film, it’s the cocky character who dies first. Still, we reckon we can beat a bunch of shuffling brain-eaters in a race, and fortunately there’s a way to put our arrogant assumptions to the test without the potential for that worrisome death bit.

Zombies, Run! transforms your casual evening jog into a post-apocalyptic workout where you flee a marauding hoard of zombies. Gamifying your exercise efforts, this audio adventure combines an engaging narrative with the shuffling, grunting groans of onrushing undead that are piped in through your headphones. When you’re running for your life, you’ll forget the pain in your legs.

Laugh Your Way to a Six Pack

C’mon, just 30 more seconds of Dragon Mating Dances. You’ve got this!

Need a fitness app that will gently encourage you to push your limits, tell you you’re doing great, and give you a high-five just for showing up? CARROT Fit isn’t that. Actually, it’s the antithesis—an app that will tease and torment you while you exercise. Amazingly, however, it manages to make this fun.

Pairing your mid-workout grimaces with hearty belly laughs, CARROT Fit’s witty AI host will call you names and mock you for not working harder, but you won’t mind. The app’s seven-minute workouts are fast, fun, and filled with entertaining alternatives to traditional exercises like Territory Markers (squats), Can’t Get Ups (sit-ups), and Extreme Lying Down (planks).

Turn Exercise Into a Game

Want to up your exercise efforts while retaining a smile? Don’t limit yourself to dedicated training apps; games can encourage you to get out and about, too.

Transforming your daily jog into a chance to play make-believe, Run An Empire lets you become the leader of your own medieval kingdom. Giving purpose to your play, where you run in the real world is converted into empire-expanding in-game exploration. The more you run, the more resources you’ll unearth and the more territory you’ll acquire. What better way to mix up your tried and tested running routes?

Partake in a Bit of Friendly Competition

It’s you versus your friends in a battle for bragging rights.

Need some added incentive to get out and exercise? What better motivator than one-upping your friends?

For those encouraged by a bit of competition, Nike Run Club now lets you build on its community-led challenges by creating your own personal competitions. Simply set your desired distances and the timeframe in which these miles must be completed and you can start adding in friends. Whether you want a head-to-head battle or leaderboard-style group effort, it’s time to add a fun new dynamic to your workouts (and your friendships).

Move the Way You Want

Exercise doesn’t need to be all regulated training plans and gym sessions. You can get your body moving and your heart rate elevated by enjoying a free-flowing dance session, too. And that’s where Just Dance Now comes in.

Helping you feel the rhythm—and its benefits—you use your iPhone to control the game while increasingly challenging choreography flashes up on your connected iPad, Mac, or TV screen. Like a high-intensity training class with jazz hands, you can play with fitness-enhancing finesse or attention-grabbing vigour. Either way, the dance floor awaits.