Find just the right support for the moment with Breethe.

Breethe: Sleep & Meditation

Breathe to Calm Anxiety Stress


As far as meditation apps go, Breethe is among the most targeted. Its offerings are all designed to help you through specific challenges you may be facing.

What we love: The app’s variety of helpful meditations. Not getting enough sleep, struggling with the loss of a loved one, or dealing with workplace stress? Breethe provides visualizations to help you nod off, meditations for managing grief, and calming sessions to deal with specific anxieties.

Breethe’s library includes quick meditations for moments of relief, as well as longer ones to sink into.

Quick tip: If you’re having trouble fitting self-care into your busy day, set an alarm in Breethe and link a meditation or exercise to it. When the time comes, you’ll get a notification that opens directly to the track.

Meet the creator: Lynne Goldberg, the app’s lead teacher, has been meditating for over two decades. A big believer in making the practice applicable to real-world scenarios, she’s come to think of meditation as her “life jacket through life’s storms.”