Get the most up-to-date weather forecasts. - Weather & Radar

Weather, Radar, Hurricanes


To umbrella, or not to umbrella? That is the question. With its wide range of weather models, dispels doubts about the temperature, wind direction, and precipitation so you can plan your day.

What we love: Marvelling at animated illustrations and in-depth weather insights. There are more than 50 additional details, such as atmospheric pressure, ocean temperature, and extreme weather events. Map out the week ahead by tapping the play button, you’ll see the forecast for the next 10 days with a premium subscription.

Quick tip: Scroll through the map and tap and hold your desired destination to get the forecast for that area. Insights into snow accumulation, ocean swell, or sea temperature will help you plan your skiing or surfing trip.

Meet the creator: Czech entrepreneur Ivo Lukačovič, a self-confessed kiter, helicopter, and jet pilot fan, started as a side-project in 2014. He launched the app in 2016 with the aim of providing the best weather forecasting service in the world.