Do More Than To-Dos in Things

The beloved app adds powerful note-formatting features.

Things 3

Organize your life


Among the most powerful task managers around, Things handles more than to-do lists: Each task or project has a dedicated notes area for jotting down related ideas, background info, meeting notes, and other info that won’t fit on a task’s single line.

With notes that can hold up to 40,000 characters each and the option to drag emails and files into a note to create links to those items, Things is a one-stop repository for everything you need to get things done.

The new version of Things includes frequently requested tools for managing all that info. Check out these three noteworthy ways to get the most out of notes.

Format With Flair

Things notes now support Markdown text formatting. Want to italicize text? *Surround it with asterisks.* Go bold with **two asterisks**. Or use ::double colons:: to highlight text with a yellow background.

Create section headers to make longer notes easier to skim.

You can also create headers by adding # to the beginning of a line, format blockquotes with >, and switch text to a monospace font by `surrounding it with backticks`.

For a quick guide to all the formatting options, go to Edit > Markdown > Learn More.

Create Lists

With longer notes, a little structure may be in order: To create a bulleted list, type -, *, +, or • at the beginning of a line. Or create a numbered list by typing 1. to start a line.

To create nested lists, add spaces in front of any bullet or number.

Search Specifically

The app’s standard Find feature (Command-F) searches across all your to dos. But if you want to limit search to the task or project you have open, use the new Find In Text feature (Shift-Command-F). Pro tip: To find and replace, click the down arrow in the search field and choose Find & Replace.