Universe — AI Website Builder

Design sites with no-code


Creating and publishing a super-stylish website using Universe takes all of five minutes. Really.

Here’s a breakdown of how this blazingly fast app-only website builder works. Start your timer...

Minute 1: Enter the Basics

Universe starts by asking you a few simple questions: Is this a personal, business, or event site? Do you want to connect any social media accounts? What’s your ideal domain? The most time-consuming part is writing your bio, but you can skip this and add one later.

Universe uses the info you’ve entered to create a preview of your site.

Minute 2: Choose a Design

Universe has a range of sleek mobile-friendly layouts to choose from. Browse through live views of each design until you find one you like.

You can tweak the layout of your site—from the size of the icons to their colour.

Minute 3 & 4: Customize

Now it’s time to drop in some content. Universe’s clever grid system makes it easy to add elements, such as text, photo, or social media handle. You can also add pages to your site by selecting the text module and tapping “link” and “to new page.”

Adding links to your social media accounts is easy.

Minute 5: Publish

Happy with your creation? Tap the arrow in the lower-right corner of the screen and follow the prompts to claim a free onuniverse.com domain or get a custom top-level domain name for your site (like a .com or .org) with a monthly subscription, which you can pay for within the app.

Universe can build a site for you with minimal input.

And Onward!

Rest assured that keeping your new site updated and building it out are just as easy—and fast.