Pancake – The Game


Before you splatter searing hot batter all over your kitchen, get some flipping practice in with Pancake - The Game.

Yup, that blunt moniker tells you all you need to know about this minimalist high-score game. You hold your finger down on the screen to jolt your on-screen arm upwards, sending the pancake soaring into a beautiful 180-degree arc. It lands neatly in the middle of the pan, so you can flip again.

That’s the plan, anyway. It’s more likely you’ll see your pancake spin wildly off into oblivion or flop comically off the side of the screen.

It's flipping hard.

With every successful flip, there’s a drum fill or the crash of a high-hat—a cute touch that makes you feel like some bizarre circus act performing tricks for a crowd.

Mastering these batter-based somersaults isn’t easy. Our current high score is a measly 10. And yet, this weirdly compulsive little curio keeps dragging us back in for another attempt.

Like developer Philipp Stollenmayer’s other games—Verticow, Zip-Zap, Okay? and cmplt, to name a few—this is simple, satisfying, and a little bit strange. And that’s why we love it.