Notebooks – Write and Organize 4+

Alfons Schmid

    • 4,7 • 85 valutazioni
    • CHF 15.00
    • Offre acquisti in-app


Notebooks is a comprehensive writing app with a powerful text and Markdown editor, which you can use as personal Wiki, Zettelkasten, file and document organizer, task manager, PDF/eBook creator and much more—all in one place. You can seamlessly transform quick notes into actionable tasks, combine text fragments into chapters of a book, organize research material, and keep business documents separate from personal diaries without ever switching apps. Stay focused and unleash your creativity with Notebooks’ versatile and intuitive features. - You'll quickly come to appreciate this unique combination of features.

• Notebooks stores all your documents as regular files in standard formats. You are always in control of your documents, never need to worry about how to export them, and they remain compatible across devices and over time.

• Create formatted documents with styles, attachments, tables or checklists, and add a table of contents if you like. Choose between a variation of ready made document styles, or create your own, if you want.

• Write your documents in plain text and allow Notebooks to automatically handle lists, highlight and center the current line on screen, automatically insert closing characters for (, {, [, " and more. - Plain text is a universal format which can be used on any device without any specific software.

• Use Markdown to create formatted documents from plain text. Notebooks supports *MultiMarkdown* and its own flavor of *Discount*. – Click any word in a formatted Markdown text and start writing at that position. You can even create checklists (- [ ]) and tick them off in formatted view. Syntax highlighting and a set of dedicated extra keyboard keys make Markdown editing easy.

• Use your Apple Pencil to sketch ideas or annotate images and PDF documents.

• Use Notebooks' advanced editing capabilities to work on documents which are stored in other apps.

• Compile selected documents or the contents of whole books into a single document, an eBook or a PDF document.

• Link between documents in Notebooks. In Markdown you can even use Wiki style links ([[ ]]). When clicking a link to a document which does not yet exist, Notebooks suggests to create it. And when you move or rename documents, Notebooks makes sure the links remain intact.

• Create as many books as you need to structure your projects and details. Nest books as deep as you like, there is no limit in Notebooks. If you ever loose track, Notebooks' full text search helps you quickly turn up even the most hidden document.

• Turn books into task lists to display document as tasks which can be ticked off. Assign due dates and alerts, and divide projects into nested sub projects, which makes them easier to handle.

• For simple lists you can use checklists in formatted documents and Markdown.

• Assign Context tags to books and documents to create shortcuts that are accessible for a smart book at Notebooks' top level. – Notebooks can even extract context tags from the contents of documents as you create them.

• Import all documents and files you want to keep close at hand, no matter whether PDF, email, web pages, MS Office or iWorks, photos, videos, music and more.

• Scan documents and extract text using OCR (iOS 13)

• Sync files between iPads, iPhones, Mac or PC.

With all these features, Notebooks may quickly become your go-to repository for everything you want to keep close at hand.

User Comments:

“Notebooks is a wonderful App, which is so much better than the dozen other note apps I tried. It is sophisticated, in an unassuming way, so that you find yourself greatly rewarded and being productive without sacrificing time/effort to the App. I cannot tell you how much productivity I have gained. I am having a huge amount of fun, I use it constantly, more than the phone on my iPhone in fact."

“You are GTD in every way that makes it efficient and makes me efficient.”


Versione 12.7.3

Notebooks 12.7.3 is a minor update with several enhancements and corrections.

• Settings: Fixed an issue that the automatic link management setting could have been cleared after restart.
• Plain Text: Improved typing performance in long text when power-saving mode is active.
• Insert Photos: When adding photos from album, preserve the original size and format when possible.
• Due Tasks: When a task's alert time is updated on another device, make sure to display a notifications at alert time.
• Markdown: Accept Markdown tasks starting with * (e.g., "* [ ]").
• Mermaid: Make sure that graphs render correctly on older iOS versions.
• Miscellaneous improvements and fixes.

Valutazioni e recensioni

4,7 su 5
85 valutazioni

85 valutazioni

abismed ,


Très agréable. Fiable.Indispensable pour une utilisation journalière.

Risposta dello sviluppatore ,

Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse. - Notebooks effectue toujours une recherche dans le contenu du livre en cours ; cela permet de limiter facilement la zone de recherche. Pour rechercher dans tout le contenu et tous les livres, il suffit de lancer la recherche à partir du niveau supérieur de Notebooks.

Fairiefan ,

Besser als Ev*note

Bin 95% zufrieden. Die Cloud befindet sich m. W. in Europa, nicht USA, was super ist.
Noch besser, wenn die Synchronisation zwischen OS und iOS besser wäre und es eine Möglichkeit gäbe, sich Mails direkt in die App zu schicken wie beim oben genannten Konkurrenzprodukt. Allerdings dieses hier viel übersichtlicher und intuitiver als selbiges.

Risposta dello sviluppatore ,

Vielen Dank für dein Feedback, es freut uns zu hören, dass du mit Notebooks zufrieden bist. - Zur Synchronisation verwendet Notebooks entweder Apple's iCloud Drive, Dropbox, oder einen WebDAV Server nach Wahl. Insofern hat man selbst die Kontrolle, welchem System man am meisten vertraut, und wieviel Komfort man möchte; iCloud und Dropbox synchronisieren automatisch im Hintergrund (viel besser geht's nicht), und WebDAV muss man manuell starten (mit einer Pull-Down Geste wie in Mail). - Mails an Notebooks weiterzuleiten geht deshalb nicht, weil wir dazu ein Online Service bereitstellen müssten; aber man kann unter iOS und macOS Mails mit Drag & Drop in ein Buch in Notebooks ziehen um es dort incl. aller Anhänge abzulegen, das geht vielleicht sogar noch schneller...

Mike6558 ,

Doppelt zahlen, wiso?

Ich habe mir die App auf meinem Iphone runtergeladen und danach für 15.- gekauft.

Nun wollte ich die App auch auf neinem iMac nutzen und stellte fest ds ich nochmal für die App zahlen soll, wiso?

Muss ich jetzt für jedes gerät das ich besitze die App kaufen damit ich die App überall nutzen kann?


Risposta dello sviluppatore ,

Nein, man muss nicht für jedes Gerät bezahlen. Es gibt eine Version für iOS/iPadOS Geräte, und eines für macOS Geräte, und beides sind Einmalzahlungen ohne Abo.

Privacy dell’app

Lo sviluppatore, Alfons Schmid, ha indicato che le procedure per la tutela della privacy dell’app potrebbero includere il trattamento dei dati descritto di seguito. Per scoprire di più, consulta l’informativa sulla privacy dello sviluppatore.

Dati non raccolti

Lo sviluppatore non raccoglie alcun dato da quest’app.

Le procedure per la tutela della privacy possono variare, per esempio, in base alle funzioni che usi o alla tua età. Scopri di più


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