Cywion Bach - Geiriau Cyntaf 4+


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Ap Geiriau Cyntaf Cywion Bach

Croeso i ap geiriau cyntaf y Cywion Bach lle mae llawer o swigod i’w popio, tedis i’w cwtsho, afalau i’w bwyta, anifeiliaid i’w clywed a cherbydau i’w gyrru!

Mae’r profiad cyd-chwarae diogel, hwylus hwn wedi’i gynllunio i gyflwyno ystod o eiriau cyntaf Cymraeg i blant bach cyn oedran ysgol 0-3 mlwydd oed, ac i’w rhieni a’u gwarchodwyr wrth iddyn nhw ddysgu Cymraeg ochr yn ochr â’u plant.

Mae’r ap yn cynnig profiad tegan rhyngweithiol – gan gyflwyno 24 gair, eu llythrennau a’u cyd-destun mewn ffordd liwgar ac atyniadol.

Mae amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ar gyfer pob gair, pob un yn gofyn am ryngweithio tap syml, ac opsiwn llusgo ar gyfer plant hŷn yr ystod oedran. Mae'r gweithgareddau agored yn gadael i blentyn chwarae a darganfod am ba mor hir y mae'n dymuno, yna bydd y Cywion Bach yn dod i gynnig y gweithgaredd nesaf.

Gall rhieni hefyd bwyso a dal y botwm gosodiadau ar gyfer opsiynau, fel mynd â nhw yn ôl i'r sgrin dewis geiriau.

Geiriau yn y fersiwn hon:

afal, banana, blodyn, car, ci, côt, afal, buwch, gwely, het, haul, enfys, mochyn, welis, swigod, sanau, tedi, doli, trên, tractor, llyfr, pêl, cwch, dafad.


Cywion Bach First Words App

Welcome to the Cywion Bach first words app where there are lots of bubbles to pop, teddies to squeeze, apples to eat, animals to hear and vehicles to drive!

This safe, robust co-play experience is designed to introduce a range of foundation Welsh words to preschool children 0-3 and their parents and guardians as they learn Welsh alongside their children. The app plays as an interactive toy experience - introducing 24 words, their letters and context in a colourful and engaging way.

There are a range of activities for each word, each requiring simple tap interactions, and a swipe/dragging option for older children with more developed motor skills. The open activities let a child play and discover as long as they want, the chicks will pop up to offer the next activity.

Parents can also press and hold the settings button for options, like taking them back to the word select screen.

Words in this release:

afal, banana, blodyn, car, ci, côt, afal, buwch, gwely, het, haul, enfys, mochyn, welis, swigod, sanau, tedi, doli, trên, tractor, llyfr, pêl, cwch, dafad.


版本 1.1.1

Geiriau newydd / New words added!

App 隐私

开发者“S4C”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策


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更多来自此开发人员的 App

Byd Cyw
RYC 2016
Newyddion S4C
Cwis Bob Dydd
Antur Cyw


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