DealNews Deals & Coupons App 4+

Shopping Discounts and Savings, Inc.

Designed for iPad

    • 5.0 • 23 Ratings
    • Free



The DealNews app is your ultimate deal finder, helping you uncover the hottest deals, discounts and coupon codes online with ease.

Cut through the clutter of daily offers and rely on DealNews to bring only the hottest and most relevant deals straight to your fingertips. Whether you're hunting for tech deals, good deals, or exclusive discounts for your favorite brands, DealNews is the free app that acts as your personal deal catcher, ensuring you never miss out on a bargain.

Key Features:

Find the Best Deals Today: Discover the most sought-after deals of the day, carefully curated by our shopping experts.
Deal Alerts: Get instant notifications for the best deals you're tracking, so you never miss out.
Search for Discounts: Use keywords, categories, brands, or stores to locate the good deals and online discounts that matter to you.
Save for Later: Explore deals on the app and save them for later purchases on your desktop or tablet.
Share Deals: Quickly share great deals with friends and family through text, email, or social media.
Coupon Codes: Access discount codes for both online and in-store purchases effortlessly.
Expert Advice: Get year-round savings tips from our guides and resources to ensure you're always shopping smarter.

Top Categories:
Streaming Deals and Bundles: Uncover the best offers for streaming services and bundles.
Tech Deals: Save big on the latest gadgets, electronics, and accessories.
VPN Deals: Get the best discounts on leading VPN services and security tools.
Gift Card Deals: Enjoy great savings on gift cards for popular stores and services.

Types of Discounts Available:
Military Discounts: Special offers for active-duty military personnel and veterans.
Student Discounts: Deals tailored for students, often requiring a valid student ID or .edu email address.
Senior Discounts: Offers available for senior citizens, typically aged 55 or 60 and above.
Black Friday Deals: Significant discounts available during the Black Friday shopping period.
Holiday Sales: Special promotions during various holidays, such as Christmas, New Year's, and Memorial Day.
Clearance Sales: Deep discounts on clearance items across various categories.
Coupon Codes: Promo codes that provide additional savings on purchases.
Seasonal Discounts: Deals that correspond with seasonal changes, like back-to-school sales or summer promotions.
Flash Sales: Time-limited offers that provide significant savings for a short duration.
Bundle Deals: Discounts applied when purchasing multiple items together.
Free Shipping Offers: Promotions that eliminate shipping costs, either site-wide or on select items.
Buy One, Get One (BOGO) Deals: Offers where purchasing one item entitles the buyer to another item for free or at a discounted rate.

Top Vendors Offering Discounts and Free Trials:

Peacock TV
Paramount Plus
Disney Plus

Why Download DealNews?

Stop wasting time on mediocre sales—download DealNews now and become the ultimate deal catcher. Stay updated on the best deals, exclusive tech deals, and unbeatable discounts across top categories and vendors. With DealNews, you'll always be in the know about the good deals you don't want to miss.

Stay in Touch


Download DealNews today and start saving on the best freebies and deals available online!

What’s New

Version 9.12.2

Changed the oil and rotated the tires (security updates and such)

Ratings and Reviews

5.0 out of 5
23 Ratings

23 Ratings

Lovelysail ,

Love Love Love

Saved me a bunch of money!!!!

Gshjsjkdvs ,

Buggy update

Page refresh itself

App Privacy

The developer,, Inc., indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Identifiers
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More

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