UK Salary Calculator 2024-2025 4+

James Still

专为 iPad 设计

    • 免费


Easily compare salaries between old and new jobs with a simple, straight-forward free salary calculator.

Calculates take home salary from your annual, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly wage. This calculator also allows you to easily see the difference between an old salary an new one. Finally - an easy way to see the effect of that pay rise or promotion.

You can see the results split in a similar fashion, either annually, monthly, weekly, daily or hourly.

This salary calculator is based on the UK tax rates. It allows you to select from the 2023-24 and 2022-23 tax years.

This app takes into account National Insurance (NI) contributions, student loan repayments, pension contributions and age (as National Insurance is no longer payable on your earnings once you are drawing state pension). Variable tax free allowances for ages 65+ are also included. Data was sourced from the HMRC website The 45% tax rate is included as well.

The results now also include the gross salary for the period (week, month, year etc) which you select, along with all deductions and nett take home figure.

All settings are saved when exiting so you don’t have to reconfigure the options every time.

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National Insurance contributions form part of the income tax we pay, but some can be removed if you are ‘contracted out’ of the state pension scheme. This app allows you to specify contracted out status and adjusts your NI PAYE payments appropriately.


版本 13.0.0

Updated for 2024-25 tax year

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