Portals Academy - Goal tracker 17+

Raman Halavach

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Imagine that you are a student at a legendary academy, where you have to finish 100 challenges to graduate and achieve your next level.
Your new level is where you struggle a little less and are a little more wise.
People don’t do what they should do because they don’t know how to create their own fun.
But what is fun?
Harry Potter, became a great magician because of external motivation. Something would always happen to him that would push him to practice more. Lord Voldemort was his external motivation (Don’t say that/his name!!)

What if we canceled the Olympics games? Would it have an impact on sportsmen's motivation?
Of course.

We are less motivated when there are no performances, or people to practice with.

Why do people spend lots of money and risk their lives to reach the top of Mount Everest?

Because they find it fun.

Fun is a combination of inner and external motivation.

Inner motivation is own reason to take the first step and the very existence of the mountain itself is the source of external motivation.

Can we create our own mountains?

As it turns out, we can... by journeying (navigate) through 100 portals.
100 portals are 100 personal challenges that will bring you to your next level.
Your next level is where you struggle a little less and are a little more wise.

What do the 100 portals mean?

In school, you have to complete 10-12 grades or levels.

In university or college, you have to complete 8-12 semesters or levels.

In Portals Academy, you travel through 100 Portals to discover the secrets that await you.

This is how Portals Academy was discovered.

Uygulama Gizliliği

Raman Halavach adlı geliştirici, uygulamanın gizlilik politikasına göre verilerin aşağıda açıklandığı gibi işlenebileceğini bildirdi. Daha fazla bilgi için geliştiricinin gizlilik politikası bölümüne bakın.

Sizi İzlemek İçin Kullanılan Veriler

Şu veriler, diğer şirketlere ait uygulamalarda ve web sitelerinde sizi izlemek için kullanılabilir:

  • Kişi Bilgileri

Sizinle İlişkilendiri­len Veriler

Şu veriler toplanabilir ve kimliğinizle ilişkilendirilebilir:

  • Kişi Bilgileri
  • Kullanım Verileri

Sizinle İlişkilendiril­me­yen Veriler

Şu veriler toplanabilir ancak kimliğinizle ilişkilendirilmez:

  • Kişi Bilgileri
  • Tanılar

Gizlilik uygulamaları, kullandığınız özellikler veya yaşınız gibi faktörlere göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Ayrıntılı Bilgi

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