1Blocker - Ad Blocker 4+

1Blocker LLC

    • 4,6 • Hodnocení: 113
    • Bezplatné
    • Nabízí nákupy v aplikaci


1Blocker lets you block obtrusive ads, sneaky trackers, and annoying elements on sites. With 1Blocker, you’re safe online and nothing will distract you from enjoying sites.

1Blocker is very easy to use — just flip a couple of switches to start blocking ads and trackers. The app will automatically receive cloud updates to the built-in filters silently, so you don’t need to do anything. It’s as simple as setting and forgetting.

1Blocker is a fully native app designed to extend Safari naturally. It’s lightweight and doesn’t drain your battery by taking up your device’s resources.

The blocking itself is super fast because Safari does it itself. We only provide filters to Safari and don’t modify webpages in any way. This vastly improves efficiency because Safari knows in advance what should be blocked. So, with 1Blocker, sites load on average 2-5x faster.

It’s important to note that not all ads can be blocked though. Some sites use techniques that make it impossible for us to block their ads using currently available features for Safari content blockers.


1Blocker is secure and private. It doesn’t have access to webpages and doesn’t track you in any way.

We believe that privacy is not for sale. That's why we don't have an "Acceptable Ads" program. We stay independent, and the only way we make money is through direct sales of 1Blocker in the App Store to you.


1Blocker is a highly customizable content blocker, providing the possibility to create powerful custom rules. It allows you to create custom rules that block any URL by providing a regular expression or hide any element by CSS. It also lets you block cookies. (Available in Premium)


1Blocker is available for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Your preferences and custom rules are always in sync through iCloud no matter which device you're using.


1Blocker has been featured in TechCrunch, Lifehacker, MacStories, Macworld, and many more.


• The ability to enable one category (for example, Block Trackers only)
• Whitelisting sites right from the Safari extension
• Whitelist synchronization between devices via iCloud
• The possibility to see blocked resources on a site


Send your feedback at @1BlockerApp on Twitter or via email. Your feedback is always very welcome and considered for the next release.

We have been making 1Blocker since 2015. We’ve learned a lot from our customers and improved the app consistently for 5 years to suit all your needs. We believe it’s the best all-around package currently available in the App Store.

Privacy Policy: https://1blocker.com/privacy
Terms of Use: https://1blocker.com/terms


Verze 6.1.1

Various under-the-hood improvements.

If you enjoy these updates, please leave us a review.

For any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us at support@1blocker.com or @1BlockerApp on X. Your feedback helps us improve.

Hodnocení a recenze

4,6 z 5
Hodnocení: 113

Hodnocení: 113

Havlajzik ,

Upgraded from Legacy to support

I used the this app for many years - the best ever blocker and noticable saving on battery too. Eeasy to understand and UI friendly. One of must app - as it protect me.

Odpověď vývojáře ,

We are so happy to read your feedback! Thank you for your trust, we will do our best to continue moving forward and keep making you happy!

JoelPRG17 ,

Best ad blocker for Safari; waiting for in-app blocking feature

By far the best ad blocker for Safari. The new X release takes blocking annoyances a whole lot further than the previous version. The one thing I am missing and for which I still need a separate app is blocking ads in apps. I hope this feature gets added soon - would certainly be willing to pay extra for it.

PeterPP11 ,

Simply the best

After trying several ad and privacy blockers, this one is simply the best. I like its UI, integration, synchronization between macOS and iOS.

Odpověď vývojáře ,

Thank you, your support and feedback are highly appreciated!


1Blocker Yearly
1Blocker Yearly
Family sharing, advanced ad blocking and more
Zkušební období zdarma
1Blocker Monthly
1Blocker Monthly
Family sharing, advanced ad blocking and more
89,00 Kč

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „1Blocker LLC“ uvedla, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby.Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

Údaje nespojené s vámi

Následující údaje mohou být shromažďovány ale ne propojeny s vaší identitou:

  • Nákupy
  • Identifikátory

Postupy v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů se mohou lišit, například v závislosti na funkcích, které používáte, nebo na vašem věku. Další informace


  • Rodinné sdílení

    Když je zapnuté Rodinné sdílení, lze některé nákupy v aplikaci včetně předplatných sdílet s rodinnou skupinou.

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