2numbers - 2numeri 4+

Marco Locatelli

Navrženo pro iPad

    • Bezplatné
    • Nabízí nákupy v aplikaci

Snímky obrazovky


Do you ever happen to make the accounts with the percentages and to not know or not be sure of the right operation to do ?

For example the cell phone you are looking for and that you had seen at $499 now costs $420 and you want to know how much is decreased in %.

With 2numbers it is not necessary to know the operation to do, simply enter the 2 numbers and tap '='.
You will come out a list of operations with those 2 numbers and its results.

So the operation 499 - 15,83% = 420 tells you that the cell phone costs the 15,83% less.

• the list contains 10 operations with percentage and other 4 with + - x ÷
• the operations are easy to read, the results are highlighted by a different color
• you can reorder the operations in the list, so to show for first the most used ones
• a touch on the operation that interests will add that operation to the sheet for calculation
• the operations added to the sheet for calculation, show in the right hand column the results with the Total that stay always up to date
• the entire content of the sheet for calculation can be exported
• the 2 numbers can have up to 10 digits
• ...

It's an APP that you will use more often than you think, and all of the listed functions and still others are free and without advertising.

P.S. There is also an in-app purchase that in addition to the Dark Graphics gives you quick access to operations + - x ÷


Verze 1.3

• updated to iOS 14
• improved management of the decimal part of the result
• other small improvements

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost Marco Locatelli nesdělila společnosti Apple podrobnosti o svých opatřeních na ochranu soukromí a o nakládání s daty. Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

Podrobnosti nebyly poskytnuty

K doplnění podrobných informací o ochraně soukromí bude vývojářská společnost vyzvána při zveřejnění příští aktualizace pro tuto aplikaci.

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