Business Card Maker - Editor 4+


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Business Card Maker is free and easily create your own business card like a professional business card designer in just a few seconds, just enter your details and choose from multiple business cards created.

To establish yourself as a professional, your identity is essential. A Business Card is a unique marketing strategy used to promote the business in the market. Create your own business card in seconds using beautiful and professional design templates.

Business Card Maker creates professional digital business cards for your business. You can create your business card using designer or you can create your business card from scratch according to your need.

Making a Digital Business Card helps to grow your business across social media at a faster pace. You don't need a graphic designer to create a professional advertising Business card. We've designed a good collection of business card templates.

What you can do with Business Card Maker & creator?

* Add Text, Image, shapes, logos, and insert your own image.
* Choose background design, color, or gradients
* Text : Edit text, shadow, change color, gradients, opacity, Clone, delete
* Image : Fill color, Shadow, opacity, etc

Different type of business cards you can create :
- Standard Card
- Vertical Card

This app can help you to create a digital business card for your business networks. You can also use them as your digital identity and e-card. Try this amazing app for free and share your feedback & suggestion with us and let us know how we can further improve.


Verze 1.3.3

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