Digital Alarm 4+

Markus Wyss

Navrženo pro iPad

    • 99,00 Kč

Snímky obrazovky


The Digital Alarm Clock turns your iPhone into an All-In-One alarm clock with an alarm that play your favorite music, your favorite radio station, your own records or just a ringtone.
With the Sleep timer you can fall asleep comfortably with your own playlist or your self-defined radio!


- Wake up with your favorite music. You can either choose a playlist, a radio station or a record.
- Define your own radio station, or choose one from the online catalog
- Fall asleep to relaxing music from your playlist or by a radio station



* Clock *

- Vertical and horizontal modes
- Displays the next alarm time
- Display the current weather (optional)
- Click on weather-label to show 5-day forecast
- Direct launch the Sleep timer with volume control
- Set up your own colors for the background, clock and shadow

* Alarm clock *

- Create multiple alarm clocks
- Create your own playlists with songs for the alarm clock
Wake-up services:
- ringtone
- playlist
- radio
- record

- Radio- and Playlistalarm only works if App is running in Foreground
- 1 integrated alarm-tone
- Huge "Snooze" - / "Alarm" buttons
- Snooze time freely adjustable
- Adjustable alarm volume
- The alarm works even when the screen lock is activated
- Background Alarm: you will receive alarm notifications when the app is not running!
- Offline Alarm: Alarm with Ringtone, if no Internet connection

* Sleep Timer *

- Create your own playlist with songs for the sleep timer
- Select a radio station to fall asleep
- Select the Sleep Timer duration

* Tips *

- You can dim the screen by dragging your finger over it
- Pressing long on Pause-Button you can choose the sleeping duration

Get this app now before the price goes up and take advantage of the FREE updates!
Before you write a bad review, please contact me. Just so I can improve the app


Verze 8.7

Fixed a problem with font size of time in landscape mode

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „Markus Wyss“ uvedla, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby.Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

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  • Rodinné sdílení

    Se zapnutým Rodinným sdílením může tuto aplikaci používat až šest členů rodiny.

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