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Start playing MARVEL SNAP today - the Mobile Game of the Year Award Winner loved by millions of players around the world.

MARVEL SNAP is a fast-paced collectible card game with innovative mechanics that's designed for mobile.

Build your deck of 12 cards. Each Card represents a Marvel Super Hero or Villain, each with a unique power or ability. The goal of the game is to outsmart and outwit your opponent. Learning how to play only takes a few minutes, and matches only take 3-minutes.

Download now and find out what everyone is talking about!

No more waiting around! Every game lasts only around three minutes. We cut out the fluff to focus more on the good stuff.

Every player begins with a FREE starter deck that helps you get started on your journey. From there, play at your own pace because there are no energy barriers, no ads, and no limits to your play. Unlock your favorite characters, and discover hundreds of new ones as you earn new cards to add to your collection simply by playing and mastering the game.

The game is designed so that every match feels different. Play your cards at 50+ different locations from across the Marvel Universe, each with iconic game-changing abilities. From Asgard to Wakanda, new locations are introduced regularly to put your creative problem-solving skills to the test.

Available on both mobile AND Desktop PC. Play anywhere, any time you want. Register your account and your progress stays with you across different platforms.

"SNAP" is a unique mechanic in the game that lets you raise the stakes during a match and apply pressure on your opponent. For example, if you think you have a winning hand, use the 'SNAP' mechanic to double down and potentially double your rewards.Hey, even if you're bluffing —you could double your rewards!

Each card in your deck is a unique character from the Marvel Multiverse. No other game lets you collect, mix, and match hundreds of hero and villain art variants from the entire MARVEL Universe—and beyond. You might have a classic comic inspired Iron Man card, but do you also have the Chibi, 8-bit, and Cartoon variants?

I am Groot. I AM Groot. I am GROOT. I am Groot? I am Groot. I AM GROOT! I am GROOT. I am Groot?

MARVEL SNAP stays fresh and exciting with new cards, new locations, new cosmetics, new season passes, new ranked seasons, new challenges, new missions, and new events regularly. You don't have to wait months for updates!

What are you waiting for? The game only takes a few minutes to learn and 3-minutes to play. Jump right in and find out why MARVEL SNAP won multiple 'Mobile Game of the Year' awards!


Verze 32.15.3

Activate more Activate!
We're bringing the Activate mechanic to two older cards: Black Swan and Hellcow

Upcoming Season: We Are Venom

New Cards: Agent Venom, Scream, Misery, Scorn, Toxin and Anti-Venom

New Locations: F.E.A.S.T., Our Lady of Saints

New Albums and Variants

Shop Takeovers: Venomized & Peach Momoko Nightmare

Hodnocení a recenze

4,7 z 5
Hodnocení: 1,4 tis.

Hodnocení: 1,4 tis.

Captain Lukhasan ,

Great game! Just one thing tho

Love the game! And the fact that there are not any pay to win mechanics is awesome! You can only pay for cosmetics upgrades, which is the best monetization ever, as it is only thing that actually makes me spend money, unlike in games where I am forced to pay in order to progress. The only thing I would like to see is support of landscape mode for iPads

vutya12 ,

Just don’t

Greediest company I’ve saw in my 20+ years of gaming. The game is fun and interactive at first, but don’t fall for that trap, the only thing devs care about is money and then some more. Absolutely worst monetization system. I give you an example. You want one specific card for you deck, say Loki, you can’t play your deck without it, cause of unique effect it provides. Now you have 2 options as a f2p how to get it. There’s 2 currencies in the game to obtain cards - tokens and spotlight keys, you either need 6k tokens, which takes 4-6 months to obtain or 4 spotlight keys(which takes ~1 month to obtain) to guarantee your Loki pool from spotlight case. The problem is, last time Loki was in a spotlight it was at February the next time he’ll be presented - end of august. In those 6 month you can’t obtain him with spotlight keys and have to wait. Or there’s another option, just throw money into the game(huge amount of money), get those tokens, which would normally take you 4-6 months to obtain and buy him directly. That’s the system. And you can say it about ANY valuable card in the game. If after reading this you don’t see any problem at all, be my guest, install this game, you’ll love it.

Jecmenn ,

If you don’t want to pay, you will have a bad time.

Predatory monetization practices are slowly ruining this game. The developer seems to be lost in the gold mine and slowly starving while bathing in all the gold. I mainly play this game on my phone due to convenience so I sinked way more than 16 hours into this game and all I can say is that the recent changes to card acquisition as well as the changes of acquiring all of the in-game currencies are one of the last nails in the coffin for me. The game was never perfect but there were promises from the developer to imrpove the game and adress (rightful) criticism of the state of the game. Well so far only thing that what was implemented was further crackdown on F2P players. It is safe to say that the developer DOES NOT care about the palyerbase as long as the cashflow is in massive green numbers. Only way to make the developer to listen is to starve them out in their gold mine, until then, no positive changes for the players will be implemented.


Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „Nuverse“ uvedla, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby.Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

Údaje použité k vašemu sledování

Následující údaje mohou být použity k vašemu sledování napříč aplikacemi a weby vlastněnými jinými společnostmi:

  • Poloha
  • Identifikátory
  • Údaje o použití

Údaje spojené s vámi

Následující údaje mohou být shromažďovány a propojeny s vaší identitou:

  • Nákupy
  • Poloha
  • Uživatelský obsah
  • Identifikátory
  • Údaje o použití
  • Diagnostika

Postupy v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů se mohou lišit, například v závislosti na funkcích, které používáte, nebo na vašem věku. Další informace

Více od této vývojářské společnosti

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