Our Galaxy 4+


    • 5,0 • Hodnocení: 2
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Our Galaxy is a unique app for both amateur astronomers and astronomy educators. It helps you visualize the 3-dimensional locations of deep sky objects in and around our galaxy, and provides you with an understanding of their physical properties. It addition, it illustrates the structural components of the Galaxy, including the thin disk, thick disk, galactic bulge and stellar halo.

The 3-D interface allows you to see where the cluster or nebula of interest is located relative to the center and plane of the Galaxy. By panning around, or moving closer to or farther away from the object, you derive a sense of where the object really is in 3-dimensional space.

The app enhances the observing experience by helping the user arrive at an intuitive sense of physical location, size, luminosity, and distance for the chosen object. It also serves as a great tool for education and outreach with its unusual visual perspective on the location of deep sky objects and their relationship to the center and plane of our galaxy.

See more videos and screenshots at the otherwise.com website.

Our Galaxy is also available of macOS.


Verze 2.1.0

• Improvements to the display of Search results.
• Search panel remembers previous search parameters. Use Reset to clear them.
• Added Proxima Centauri to database. Even though it's fainter than the 6th mag cutoff, it is special as the closest star other than the Sun.
• Fixed bug where the built-in view for the M81 Group was showing the Centaurus group by mistake.
• Miscellaneous small tweaks to database.
• Miscellaneous small UI tweaks.

Hodnocení a recenze

5,0 z 5
Hodnocení: 2

Hodnocení: 2

Neerantor ,

Rocketg is going back home with a friend and then we can meet him there at about my brother and dad

Mai is good but it doesn’t taste good at times but it doesn’t matter what it says it was a nice time I had it all the way back to my place and it looked like a nice
Edtyyyy is going back home with a friend and then we can meet him at home

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