Playlisty for Apple Music 4+


    • Bezplatné
    • Nabízí nákupy v aplikaci

Snímky obrazovky


Important: You'll need a current Apple Music subscription to install "Playlisty for Apple Music".

• Copy all of your Spotify playlists, liked songs & albums to Apple Music in just a few taps
• Fast & accurate, finds the Apple Music tracks with the best audio quality & artwork
• NO SUBSCRIPTION – just a small one-off fee to unlock “Pro” features¹
• Lets you preview & amend matched playlists before saving results to Apple Music
• Unique "direct play" feature - browse and play playlists without having to save them
• Back-up your Apple Music playlists & songs to a file to keep it safe
• Copy your YouTube & Deezer library playlists, including your liked songs
• Use Siri Shortcuts to automatically sync playlists in the background
• Discover new curators, artists & genres on some of the worlds best music sites
• Convert links to Spotify albums, tracks or playlists to their Apple Music equivalents
• Import or copy/paste playlists from hundreds of different file formats & web-pages

Please note that Playlisty for Apple Music transfers playlists *into* Apple Music, not out. If you are looking to transfer playlists from Apple Music to Spotify please look at our other app: Playlisty for Spotify ( which goes the other way.

¹ The free version of Playlisty allows you to import an unlimited number of playlists, capped at 20 tracks per playlist. Our low-cost "Pro" upgrade unlocks a number of additional features including playlists of unlimited length.


Verze 3.25

Bug fixes

Hodnocení a recenze

5,0 z 5
Hodnocení: 7

Hodnocení: 7

lyorig ,

Does what it says!

Clean interface, great performance, and sensible Pro price. Definitely recommend!

Ondřej Prchala ,

Overall good

For the one time purchase price it's a good app, but it could be better (e.g. importing to other sources from Apple music, importing playlist image, automatic playlist syncing, and mainly the bugs), but for the price it's okay.

Odpověď vývojáře ,

Thank you for your review - your points are noted! If you find any bugs we’d be extremely grateful if you could let us know using the “Contact us” link in Preferences - we’ll get right on them. Also, in case it helps, Playlisty can do automatic syncing using Shortcuts. All the best, the team @ Obdura

k0nva ,

Im satisfied with my purchase

Pretty easy to use, enables me to transfer selected playlists from Spotify to Apple Music. Thank you very much.

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „Obdura“ uvedla, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby.Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

Údaje nejsou shromažďovány

Vývojářská společnost neshromažďuje z této aplikace žádné údaje.

Postupy v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů se mohou lišit, například v závislosti na funkcích, které používáte, nebo na vašem věku. Další informace


  • Rodinné sdílení

    Když je zapnuté Rodinné sdílení, lze některé nákupy v aplikaci včetně předplatných sdílet s rodinnou skupinou.

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