SafeTN 4+

State of Tennessee

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SafeTN is an easy, secure way to anonymously report suspicious activity and safety concerns in your school and in your community. You can also access helpful resources for bullying, mental health, and substance abuse.

SafeTN is the state of Tennessee’s official mobile app for reporting activity or behavior that is potentially harmful, unsafe, or criminal. This includes:
• Inappropriate sexual behavior or sexual crimes
• Physical harm to self or others
• Violent threats
• Violence against person or property
• Theft or trespassing
• Identity crimes
• Cyber crimes
• Financial crimes
• Suspicious activity

If you see, hear, or experience something that’s possibly harmful, suspicious, or criminal, it’s important that you share this information with people who can help keep our communities safe — like State officials, school districts, staff, and law enforcement. With SafeTN, you can do this instantly — anytime, right from your phone or tablet.

This free app gives you the ability to anonymously report, or send in tips, to the State. With SafeTN, you can:
• Tell us where this activity happened
• Describe what happened or what you observed
• Upload helpful files right from your device — like videos, pictures, or screenshots
• Share details about suspects, victims, or witnesses

If you or someone you know is struggling with bullying, mental health, or substance abuse, there are people who can help. You can use the SafeTN app to quickly find available programs and services — including hotlines, websites, and where to learn more.

NOTE: SafeTN is not an app for reporting emergencies. If there is a life-threatening emergency happening right now, please call 9-1-1 immediately.


Verze 1.0.3

Adds optional geolocation functionality to fetch the users current location and updates to the submission flow to capture more accurate information from the user.

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „State of Tennessee“ uvedla, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby.Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

Údaje nespojené s vámi

Následující údaje mohou být shromažďovány ale ne propojeny s vaší identitou:

  • Poloha
  • Kontaktní údaje
  • Uživatelský obsah

Postupy v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů se mohou lišit, například v závislosti na funkcích, které používáte, nebo na vašem věku. Další informace

Více od této vývojářské společnosti

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