Self-CEO: Habits, Mood Tracker 4+

Starky's Club s.r.o.

    • 5,0 • Hodnocení: 15
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    • Nabízí nákupy v aplikaci

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Self-CEO is an all-in-one tool that serves as a to-do list, habit tracker, mood tracker, calendar, and overall the best daily planner out there! It helps you organize your life on a larger scale, accomplish more, and feel great about it all in the process. Plus, it's really fun to use!

To-dos are incredibly valuable tools, especially when faced with numerous tasks that demand our attention. By using to-dos, you free up mental space and conserve precious energy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Harness the power of to-dos to streamline your life. With the constant influx of tasks, it's a relief to have a reliable system that captures everything, sparing you from the burden of constant mental reminders and preserving your energy for meaningful pursuits. Self-CEO is a great task manager, even for power users!

Habits are catalysts for personal development. By embracing empowering routines, you empower yourself to overcome obstacles and create positive change. Unlock the potential of habits for a healthier and more fulfilling life. Cultivating positive habits is a transformative journey that can profoundly impact your well-being and personal growth, setting the stage for a brighter future.

Finally, track your moods and unlock insights into your emotional well-being. By keeping tabs on your moods, you gain a deeper understanding of your progress, allowing you to navigate life's challenges and celebrate your achievements. Experience the wonders of mood tracking and gain clarity on your journey. By monitoring your moods, you gain invaluable insights into your progress, both personally and professionally. Celebrate the highs, overcome the lows, and live a life filled with self-awareness and growth!

A powerful tool designed to transform your aspirations into achievable milestones. It allows you to break down your long-term goals into manageable steps, providing a clear roadmap to success. The Goal Tracker ensures that you stay focused and motivated! With reminders and notifications, it keeps your objectives top of mind, helping you overcome procrastination and stay on course. Ultimately, the Goal Tracker empowers you to turn your ambitions into reality by fostering a structured and disciplined approach to goal achievement.

Self-CEO is more than just these main categories. Check out the whole list of these awesome features and abilities that Self-CEO provides:

- It's a great to-do list app, a daily planner, and a life organizer – helping you tremendously with your daily agenda
- Expect recurring tasks and notifications as part of the norm
- Schedule tasks and to-dos effortlessly and quickly
- Drag and drop them as you like
- The backlog feature - designed for seamless task capture - unload your mind, and store items where they can be organized later on
- Also, it serves as a bullet journal
- It has intuitive checklist features, sub-tasks, and is a great list organizer
- It helps you with your morning routines
- It's also helpful in taming your ADHD – functioning as an ADHD planner and organizer
- It's an easy-to-use habit tracker – helping you track your streaks, workouts, and other healthy habits!
- With recurring reminders, it will be easy!
- Use home screen widgets and lock screen widgets to keep your tasks right in front of you
- Enjoy the calendar view and plan your week ahead
- It enables you to write down your goals – it's an easy-to-use goal tracker
- The mood tracker functions as a nice gratitude journal
- It gives you insights and statistics into your moods
- Enjoy motivational quotes and positive daily affirmations

Looking for the best productivity app on the market? With Self-CEO you will track all your goals and never lose the motivation. Self-CEO is, overall, the simplest and most thoughtful productivity tool you will ever have. You will enjoy it to the fullest and become the CEO of your life!


Verze 3.4.2

Performance improvements.

Hodnocení a recenze

5,0 z 5
Hodnocení: 15

Hodnocení: 15

laddy1995 ,

Five star utility app

Amazing app which helped me to get most of the things done by the end of a day!

Arifuk ,

great app!

easy to use and works fine

marcusroca ,

Amazing app

This is amazing app with nice ui

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  • Kontaktní údaje

Údaje nespojené s vámi

Následující údaje mohou být shromažďovány ale ne propojeny s vaší identitou:

  • Údaje o použití
  • Diagnostika

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