Star Stacker 4+

michael webb

    • 5,0 • Hodnocení: 2
    • 99,00 Kč

Snímky obrazovky


Star Stacker allows you to import a sequence of star photos taken throughout the night and turn them into star trail images or a time lapse video.

After importing you can create the images and/or a time-lapse video with a few different effects.

- Full trails - every star at full brightness
- Faded trails - Stars get brighter as the process runs
- Shooting star - Like faded trails but the last image is brighter than any previous giving a shooting star effect
- Javelin - Both ends of the trail are faded
- Warp mode - zooms into the image stack slowly creating a warped effect. This will also affect the foreground so post processing may be required if the images have the foreground included.

You can also choose to save a video of the time-lapse based on the options used for the image stacking.

Can import jpg, tif or png images from your photos app. RAW files that have been recently imported from an SD card reader, may take a few minutes before the full resolution files are available.


Verze 2.0

* New trail style: Javelin! Both ends of each star trail are faded.
* There was a bug where some longer videos would be corrupted. This is now fixed.
* Minor design changes

Hodnocení a recenze

5,0 z 5
Hodnocení: 2

Hodnocení: 2

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  • Rodinné sdílení

    Se zapnutým Rodinným sdílením může tuto aplikaci používat až šest členů rodiny.

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